
Expectations about my career.


Direct - Indirect

 Direct - Indirect Delivery courier - Alejandro: Good afternoon, I have a package for Miss Luisa. Alejandro -  Delivery courier : Good, I'll tell you. Alejandro - Luisa: Luis brought you a package. Luisa - Alejandro: Tell the messenger to wait for me a moment. Alejandro -  Delivery courier : Luisa says that you do her the favor of waiting for her a moment. Delivery courier  - Alejandro: ok, tell her not to worry, I'll be waiting for her here. Alejandro-Luisa: the messenger says that she will be waiting for you. Luisa -  Delivery courier : thank you very much for waiting. Delivery courier  - Luisa: don't worry, give me your signature to confirm delivery. Luisa -  Delivery courier : Thank you. Mensajero - Alejandro: Buenas tardes, tengo un paquete para la señorita Luisa. Alejandro - Mensajero: Buenas, ya le digo. Alejandro - Luisa: Luis te trajeron un paquete. Luisa - Alejandro: Dile al mensajero que me espere un momento. Alejandro - Mensajero: Dice Luisa que le h
Conversación  past perfect.  Alejandro: Had you taken the keys before I got here? Luisa: I had left them on the table, right there. Alejandro: Oh I hadn´t seen them, thanks! Luisa: Jack had put a cake into the fridge. Is it still there? Alejandro: Yes. Had Shirley and Edgar brought the beef for the barbecue? Luisa: Sure, and I had already bought the sodas three days ago. Alejandro: Great. I had thought that this plan would never be ready. Luisa: Neither I had! Alejandro: By the way, hadn´t mom called yesterday? Luisa: Oh yes! she had just before I dialed your number. Alejandro: Had Carole tried to contact me? Luisa: Oh no, I don´t think so.
  Hello My name is Alejandro López, in this blog I´ll present an advance regarding English classes at level 5. conversation A- hello B- Hi A- how are you today? B- I am fine, ¿and you? A-I am fine too, you are a good neighbour, aren´t you? B-yes, I am; but I have problem whit my son, you have sons, haven´t you? A- no, I haven´t; I think that i don't have patience with the children, I have pets; you have a pets ¿haven´t you? B-no, I haven´t, I'm allergic.